Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Jump Around

Lest you all think that Molly is always in her Jolly Jumper (which she would happily be as long as someone is close by and she can show off), she does enjoy other things. She still likes, for instance, her hippo mat and that blow up ball that she can bat around and her mirror. She is also practicing her sneak roll over attack. In the bottom two pictures she started off on her back and when I wasn't looking she found her way off the mat onto her tummy. She also made her maiden voyage to the aquarium this week. She liked to watch the fish swim by but was even happier keeping an eye on Ethan -- and is excited for the day when she has as much fun as he did. It was so neat to watch him look at everything and get excited!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

How Sweet It Is

John and Molly took a little time to relax with each other last night. Before that, Molly was helping fold some laundry (see below). In case you're wondering, Molly's mouth is open in a lot of pictures because she's constantly talking. Cousin Erin thinks that Molly has said all sorts of words, including, cutely enough, "Erin." While real words are probably still a long ways off, Molly nonetheless is getting plenty of vocal exercise.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Spring has Sprung

Spring is definitely and thankfully here and we've had some gorgeous weather lately. We've been hunting for shade patches outside so that Molly can happily enjoy being outdoors without ruining her Casper the Friendly Baby complexion. We found some shade last week when we were in Woods Hole to celebrate to Uncle Greg's thesis defense on Friday. I'm thinking that Molly may have enjoyed putting her bunny in her mouth more than whatever Greg was talking about but other people in the room seemed to like his presentation more than putting their bunnies in their mouths so it seems like a win overall for him.

In addition to listening to presentations on oceans, Molly is talking and laughing up a storm. She's still happy to sit in her Bumbo (note to Holly: it's on the floor in these pictures) and she got to wear a little skirt the other week... it's hilarious.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Jumpin' Jack (Molly) Flash

I'm not sure if we have a little kangaroo or a little girl but either way she loves to jump. Molly has a jumper here at home (thank you Nana!) and a jumpy contraption at Grammy and Grampy's house and she is more than content to be in them both. If any of you have read Ramona The Pest recently than you'll remember that Ramona loves to pull Susan's, her kindergarten classmate's, curls. Each time she does that, Ramona thinks that that it sounds like "BOING". When Molly is in her contraptions, it reminds me of that. She just BOINGS all over the place. By the way, if you haven't read any Ramona books lately I'd add them to your reading list. That girl has some serious spunk.

Molly met up with her pals Ethan and Samuel on Monday. For now, she's letting the boys tackle each other (aka "hugging") but I'm sure will join in the fun before too long. This is a rare shot of Samuel doing the hugging since it was usually little Ethan being the enthusiastic embracer.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rolling With My Homies

This is what Molly's been working on lately. I'm not sure she made it all the way over without help in this series but she has done a couple of rolls in both directions without assistance. She spends most of her time rolling onto her side, though, and never making it quite over. The blurry pictures are due to her supersonic speed when rolling.

Erin and Molly wish John a happy birthday!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Molly received a final baby shower present last week. Katie and Davis had to wait until she was born to determine what color shoes they should order for her. Now, if you know me you know I like shoes. Almost any shoes. I can find an excuse, a reason, an opportunity to own and wear nearly any shoe. Molly's new shoes, however, are a different story. They look like hockey pucks or discs. I say this lovingly because Davis also owns a pair of disc shoes and he's well aware of my feelings towards them, which explains why Molly now owns a pair. My favorite thing about them is that they are velcro but still have laces on the velcro tab. Here she is showing them off.

Luckily, her shoes didn't scare off her friend Hannah who came to visit on Friday. Molly likes looking up to her friend for new tricks.

She is also loving sitting up in her Bumbo and putting fingers, balls, toys, pretty much anything in her mouth. I'm a little worried that Harry is going to find himself shoved in there one of these days.

Friday, April 4, 2008

My So Called Life

Molly is trying hard to sit up, roll over, and scoot somewhere. She can't do any of them yet (except with a little help) but she's working at it. In her spare time, she also likes to stand (again, with assistance), bat around a little blow up ball and play with her rings. We've reached the stage where toys, fingers (hers or yours), pretty much anything are headed straight for the mouth. I've picked up some pretty soggy stuffed animals over the past few weeks.

Sitting in the Bumbo (thanks to Samuel for the loan) is sometimes really, really fun and other times...

a little shocking. Mostly, this last picture just cracked me up.

I'm not kidding about that ball.

Or the rings.

She actually enjoys tummy time. She usually also kicks her legs up or back and forth -- trying to scoot. I'm sure something will eventually motivate her enough to move but in the meantime, we just lose a lot of socks.

She likes to stand a lot but this particular evening she also enjoyed playing Pop Goes the Weasel with John.