Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sunshiny Days

Well, it's another sunny day in the Okanagan. I'm really not trying to rub it in for the East Coasters -- I know that your 21 rainy/cloudy days out of 30 isn't really a badge of honor that you're excited to wear. But, since it is another sunny day here, Molly and I went to the lake this morning to get in a little sand and sun time before I dropped her in bed for her nap (she has decided that mountain time is really up her alley so she has been up and at 'em around 6 each morning. This doesn't really excite me a whole lot).

A funny Molly tidbit: her favorite thing to say now when something drops (or "drops") is "oopsy doodle". It's really funny to hear. Oh, and one more, she likes to imitate when I say "come here" and beckon her with one finger (to put on shoes or a diaper or get some cheese off her head). She stands there and tries to get her pointer finger to do the same thing but can't quite manipulate it right -- it cracks me up every time so now that's a fun game to play.


Liz said...

You definitely picked the right time to move. I am SO JEALOUS of your sunshine! Very cute tidbits on Molly. Ethan is trying to snap his fingers, and it is similarly hilarious to watch him try to manipulate those digits.

Kate said...

Alright alright we'll come visit! Enough with the pictures of the sun! Still raining here - things haven't changed since you left I guess! I love hearing what Molly's newest tricks are - keep the updates coming!