Sunday, July 19, 2009

Forget the Joneses, Keeping Up with Molly...

We're back with a new computer after ours decided to poop the bed late last week. The blog shouldn't have to suffer, though, so we are good to go with our new machine. Today was a beautiful day after a 100 degree day on Friday and somewhere in the 90+ plus range yesterday. In reality, 90-something feels a heckuva lot better after 100 degrees. Dry heat or not -- that's just warm. Since there are those enjoying 110+ degree temps in Phoenix, though, I'd better not turn into Wendy Whiner.

We declared ourselves officially unpacked this weekend with all boxes that are going to be out of the house out. Most things have homes although there's still a little more organizing to do and we even have a few pictures up on the walls. Okay, there's a lot more organizing to do but we're in decent enough shape.

In an effort to thwart the inevitable, I'm trying to take pictures of baby #2 (only belly pictures thus far, obviously. Also, I'm still searching for a name since Skeletor scared some people) at about the same point as I did with Molly. I'm not sure that I actually want this trend to continue since we have thousands of pictures of Molly right now and I'm not sure I need to duplicate that effort. Nonetheless, I'm making an effort not to leave the little one in the dust. Here we are together at 26 weeks.

Molly is turning into a baby hog and is very excited by the idea of the new baby (whatever that means... I'm a little nervous about what's going on in that noggin of hers). She attacked all the baby siblings at her music class last week (talk about a great way to make friends -- have your kid put her mitts all over a 10 week old). She also enjoys her own little family a lot, which includes head wound Dolly (Molly woke up one morning in Block Island covered in blood. She had picked a scab off that bled prolifically. As a result, poor Dolly also suffered what appeared to be a massive head gash), big pink bunny, little pink bunny, bunny, brown bear, doggy (both brown and white doggy and black doggy), lamby, and baby. We're really creative on the names around here. She likes to make sure they are all patted on the back, fed, and watered.

Her non-stop action also continues (at my prenatal appointment this week, the midwife commented a couple of times that she can see why I'm exhausted. The little jumping bean wasn't exactly sedentary except for when the midwife let her push the button the doppler and she got to listen to the heartbeat. She was very alarmed by the whoosh whoosh and asked if it was a helicopter. Um, if I'm growing a helicopter than someone's getting an ear full). Here she is "strolling" down the garden path.

She also enjoys being her own cheerleader -- ready, set, go!

I'm not sure what I sound like on the phone, but I'm worried that I say a lot of "really? wow" because I hear that a lot when chatty Cathy is on the "phone". She also likes to say "hell-oooo" really loudly. Weird.

Ever the multi-tasker...

p.s. In case you happened to read (or maybe you're reading the Penticton Herald) this evening, you may have seen the story about the forest fires in BC. They're burning about 30 minutes north of us. We can't see any flames but we can see and smell smoke. The highway is closed to Kelowna, the big city to the north, and we can hear all the planes in Penticton taking off to drop water and flame retardant on the fires. We aren't in any danger at this point but there are lots of displaced folks in town.

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