Monday, August 17, 2009

Getting Around

We're here, we're here! We've just been up to a little of this and a lot of that and being away from home always makes it harder to keep up with the blog. Before someone calls the world-famous wahhhhhhhhhhhmbulance, though, I'll just get to it.

We flew back east last week so that DJ JD could bring his 10 year DJing hiatus to an end and spin some tunes for Aaron and Carrie's wedding celebration. This will also be my last trip back home before Numero Dos shows up in just over nueve weeks (and my foreign language skills are now exhausted). GULP... nine weeks. Actually, I'm ridiculously excited for the new arrival, matched only be Molly's excitement at all her own antics. Seriously, I haven't met a more self-congratulatory kid although it may be that she's egged on every once in awhile. Maybe. Anyhoo, the celebration was wonderful. I cried (shocking). I repeated the parts that made me cry to my mom when I got back here and we both cried (shocking). It was great to catch up with folks and really nice to have a weekend away from small paws. She had a good time back in Maine, visiting with her cousins, aunts, and uncles and learning all sorts of fun new words and tricks from Grammy and Grampy.

Today, we beat the heat and joined the crowds in Ogunquit to meet up with Liz and Beth and their broods. It was definitely a good day to be at the beach and jump in the water in the hopes that my hair wouldn't be quite as huge as it has been since coming back to the land of humidity (and no, Wilson, I did not get a perm. I just have huge hair when it's hot and humid). It was loads of fun and so great to see these two (four, six...). The little men are getting so big and I love watching them all play together and create their own songs (one little ditty that goes something like "No more bubb-les. No more bubb-les").

I wish we could get out to see everyone but I think our time is going to be limited to northern New England on this trip, unfortunately. We will catch everyone soon, we hope. We miss all you guys!


Beth said...

We were still singing "No more bubbles" last night at dinner. That's a keeper, Molly!

Liz said...

So were we! Great to see all of you. Our next get-together will probably be in the snow. Hard to think about in this heat!

Holly said...

Great pics. I totally hear you on the humidity hair.