Thursday, November 12, 2009

Walking and Talking

We got out for some walking/hiking towards the end of last week, which was really nice. Molly and Grampy got to hit up two favorite spots while and Molly hoofed it for the majority of both excursions, which gives me hope of getting out there by myself. She would have rather walked the whole time but sometimes the speed needs to be turned up a notch or two so she gets slung onto someone's back. I prefer to carry wee little Jack since he's about 1/3 of her weight, although is working hard to catch up. Little chunker is already up to 9 lbs 4 oz so has done well regaining his birth weight and then a-plenty more. I can attest to his hard work.

We have a good number of bears around these parts (a mom I met had one camped out in her yard up on one of the hills for three days) so we've engaged Molly's services in keeping them away when we're out and about in the woods. I'm pretty sure that her songs, antics, and somewhat loud hiking attire work better than bear spray, yelling "hey ice cream/hey bear" or any other solution out there.

Jack stayed nestled, all snug in his Bjorn

Molly got a ride courtesy of Grampy

On Sunday, John and Grampy took Molly up to a waterfall, which is more of a trickle this time of year. Fortunately, rock tossing remained possible...

while Jack stayed back with the ladies and kept us entertained.


Kate said...

OMG - Jack just gets cuter with every picture! So excited to meet him! Sounds like all continues to go well - can't believe you were out hiking after just two weeks - you go!

Liz said...

Adore adore adore that last picture of Jack. He is so handsome!

Brian said...

I know it's been a long time since I have acknowledged Melissa's mellifluous meanderings (mending many maligned moments), but some of this is too cute to ignore.

In keeping with Molly's penchant of bringing up things past (which itself was a subject of an earlier post), why name a doll after a Rod Stewart song? If I had been there at the naming ceremony you know that everyone would have opted for Tarkus! Maggie May. Honestly, give me a break!

Molly, you need some good educating by your favorite uncle. I'm afraid that you are being unduly influenced by those fortunate enough to be around you.

Jack, I consider you a fresh slate so I will try my utmost to make sure that your artistic influences are properly aligned. I don't want to have to retrain you like I'm going to have to do with your sister!

Your Favorite Uncle

Your Favorite Uncle