Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lean On Me

Aside from occasionally wanting to use Jack's head as the first rung on a ladder, Molly has been doting on her Buddy Man lots still. It's funny to hear her repeat what I say to him -- like if he's crying but I can't get there right away, one of us will yell "Don't worry, Buddy, I'll be right there" or she'll come get in his face and say "THAT'S a big smile". I love how much toddlers love babies in general -- all of Molly's little friends love to come give toys to the babies in the group and Jack's gotten more hugs than might be healthy from the kids at school. It's sweet to watch their capacity for giving and how they light up when they get a smile in return. Simple pleasures.

Molly tickling = Jack trying to hightail it out of there

I think Jack wonders how much longer he has to indulge his sister (who was insistent on holding him just so) and his shutterbug mom and dad -- get used to it, my friend. Get used to it.

One person is still happy to ham it up.

If I smile again, will someone make it stop?

Seriously, guys. No, seriously.


Liz said...

Such adorable sibling pictures! We can never get any that cute out of our little rascals. I too love the parroting of soothing remarks - we hear "it's okay Adam, it's okay" a lot around here.

Beth said...

Great shots! Those are tuff to get! I like Melissa's supportive hand.