Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hopping Down the Bunny Trail

One of the big perks of being out on the left coast is that we get to see Katy, Emmy (and those parents of theirs... but parents are the afterthoughts these days. Once you have kids no one asks how you are -- just your small sidekicks) a lot more often. Their hospitality has been unrivaled and I'm pretty sure we've shown up at Eric and Mary's house at nearly every hour of the day and night with all our comings and goings. Thankfully they haven't kicked us to the curb yet because that would make Molly (and probably Jack too) super sad (and us... but we're those afterthoughts again). Molly loves her cousins, loves their music choices and dance moves, loves zooming around inside and out with them, and gets all amped up to see them when we bustle into town. Really, these two kids of mine are so lucky to have cool cousins wherever they turn.

On our way back from Florida we stayed for a morning of Easter egg hiding and hunting... and hiding and hunting and hiding and hunting. The girls kicked off their morning with a big breakfast and then got down to business (and I found myself, like many others I know, wondering why the heck a bunny leaves eggs behind... does this mean he stole the eggs? Bought them? Where does he get money to buy eggs? Do chickens donate eggs? I'm so confused).

Anyway, I count my blessings that Molly and Jack know so much of their extended family. Everyone gives so much time and love to one another. All the cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, second cousins, once removed cousins, etc. are woven into Molly's consciousness and she talks about folks all the time. It's lovely and heartwarming and we sincerely thank everyone for the gift of family. Not to mention, it makes any holiday loads of fun.

(thanks to Eric and Mary for the actual quality picture. My phone pictures aren't quite as good...)


Liz said...

Cousins are so fun! Poor Jack is a bit outnumbered, huh?

Kate said...

Agree with Liz - poor Jack! At least he has one boy on your side to keep him company.