Tuesday, August 3, 2010

On Top Of The World

AH! Jack says I'm falling behind again. This is very unlike me...

More stuff from our Banff ba Banff Banff Banff trip. It's a hard place to sum up and we managed to pack in a lot in a short amount of time. In addition to marveling over and over at how blue the water is, we did other cool things like...

walk on a glacier

glaciers are big and bad and this puppy goes back a lo-ong ways. 

These are the big rigs that you ride to get out the glacier. If you have kids who like trucks and cars and things that go, they would like this thing and the fact-delivering drivers. 

We also took a gondola ride up to the top of one of the giant mountains. You get some nice views from 7400 ft in the air...

A couple of you asked how the potty training on the road went... overall, it went fine (although, note to future visitors, avoid the seat in the middle of bus #47 up to the glacier...). I did do something I vowed I would never do, which was carry a potty in the car with us (why do I ever say never about anything?). It did, however, give Molly one royal throne to sit on as needed. Since we've been home, she's been doing great. I think I'm officially down to one diaper wearer again.


Beth said...

Take no shame in carting around a potty seat. You'll find out with Jack it's a must -- something about those male parts in frigid air.....

On a less-potty-mouth note.....looks like an AMAZING trip!

Beth said...

P.S. I miss you all SO SO SO much!