Thursday, September 2, 2010


We are about to depart for the east coast to do some visiting and weddinging. That is, of course, as long as Earl decides to let us sneak in as planned on Saturday morning. I'm doubtful but hopeful... in the meantime, though we haven't had the sizzling weather of the east coasters, we've still managed to find ways to entertain ourselves as fall makes its early arrival. 

We still have plenty of sunny days and the small people might never tire of water. Pouring, splashing, drinking -- what can't you do at a water table?

Jack gets some alone time at the table while...
the high waister cool cat (I didn't pick the outfit and I didn't request that the pants get hiked up and the shirt tucked in) was off exploring what objects she could bring back to the table. 

Per the usual, it was something that Jack wanted to shove in his mouth.

Big boss lady leading the action.

I'm not sure who is teaching who about blowing bubbles.

Luckily, on our less than sunny days, things inside the house also provide some good times, like...

the Dustbuster (or the big vacuum). Jack didn't get his love of vacuuming from me; the neatnik gene must be from somewhere else in the family. 

Playing Picasso. This went on for a good long time until it turned into a little too much body painting.

Stair climbing... with only one tumble so far. 

Reading in bed. I think Busytown might be busier than ever with the number of visits that Molly has paid there. She was not willing to smile until she was done reading, either.

Making a spectacular mess. 
We will be gone for several weeks so until our return, may you have happy and drooly smiles to brighten your day.


Aimee said...

Erin is wondering what is all over Jack's face in that photo. Melted peanut butter?

Melissa said...

E- it's yogurt and molasses... but melted peanut butter might a good idea. YUM.

Kev and Nan said...

Your return east is greatly anticipated. Hugs and kisses to the cuties...and of course Molly & Jack too:)