Friday, February 11, 2011

Another Round of the Holly Jollies

We had another round of Christmas here this week. We hadn't caught up with my family for the holidays yet so my mom's sleigh brought goodies for all of us (and the moving van brought stuff for my everyone else). I started looking at the pictures today and realized that apparently it was cool to be semi-nudie for this portion of the holiday (when is it ever not okay?!). We don't usually do nekked Christmas but maybe it'll have to become some sort of annual tradition.

Molly's favorite present -- a berry bowl. Oh wait, I'm sorry, that was for my mom but Molly just helped everyone unwrap his or her presents. 

This one was for her and Jack -- think the paint can tame the wild mane?

Finish the statement: "I am cool because..." a) I can  look like a dude in my new jean jacket or b) because someone who shall remain nameless taught me to climb and stand on the table. 

I'm not sure if he's trying to pull off a wailing rocker look or just a wailing look because he was removed from his perch (see above). 

Thankfully, recoveries are fast around here. 


Kate said...

Oh man - Will and Jack have the same wailing look. What is it with these boys?! Love the nekked Xmas idea... :-) And love love the glimpses of the new place from these pictures!

Grammy said...

Hmmm... I was so into the lack-of-clothing scene that I didn't even notice that we had semi-naked Christmas! It's a good thing you had pictures.

Unknown said...

Is that anything like the naked baseball your mother used to play when she was a kid?

Melissa said...

You've waited years for that opportunity to implicate my mom in naked baseball, haven't you Brian? Nice work.

Anonymous said...

These pictures crack me up. First of all, Molly's hairs is CRAZY! I love it. And secondly, Jack is so super-cool (and cute) in his jean jacket.