Saturday, July 31, 2010

Rocky Mountain High

How much have we been up to? SO MUCH... 

I'll do better updates soon but in the meantime, Banff was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. I used to think that the Tetons were a little slice of heaven (and still do) but I think the Canadian Rockies might be a little bit bigger piece of heaven pie. They are simply stunning and no words could do them justice.

Since the kids will never remember being there, we might as well prove that they were...

Our stupendous travel mates. 

Would you want to sign up for endless hours in the car with a potty-training two and a half year old and a nine month old? Me neither... 

Lake Louise... not a bad lunch backdrop (sorry Greg and Meg, we had to do it). 

I'm not climbing that. Ever. 

What's the mountain air doing to this guy?


Anonymous said...

So beautiful- looks like you had a great trip!

xoxo JJR

Unknown said...

So you are that Dad huh? Awesome. Just back from two week trip out west with husband. (No kids yet...) Marveled at those who took theirs through Glacier, Teton and Yellowstone!

Hope you and your family are well!

Davis said...

Beautiful! Looks like you had a great time. The big question though - how is the potty training?