Monday, September 19, 2011

Yes, Please

I'm officially jinxing myself by writing about this but in an effort to soak up the small details of small people, I am forced to acknowledge this little gem. Like all little tykes, Jack learned no before he learned anything in the affirmative. His "no", often accompanied by a mad dash to the opposite side of the train table because, apparently, nothing bad happens over there, is so funny. He makes a really round "O" with his mouth and shakes his head like his hair is on fire. It's emphatic, to say the least. Perhaps because he thinks saying no too often might cause his brains to fall out of his ears, he has recently learned to say "YES!" with equal enthusiasm. If you ask Jack if he'd like cereal for breakfast, he says "YES" like he's just accepted a gold medal in the Olympics -- he's that excited and he, strangely for him, enunciates it perfectly. Sometimes he opts for an equally well enunciated "I DO!" when you ask him if he'd like to do or go somewhere. It kills me because it's such a happy little embrace of the simple things and he gets all revved up for the smallest detail. I'm sure no crop up more once he realizes that he doesn't need to make a break for it every time I ask him if he wants to wipe marker off his face but, for now, I'm happy for the zesty "YES!".

 I wasn't kidding, this boy loves cereal like there is no tomorrow. 


Kate and Davis said...

He is so adorable! We miss you guys!

Kate said...

I love it! He and Will share a serious love of cereal - Will would eat that and yogurt every meal if I'd let him!

Liz said...

Adorable boy and adorable story. So great to capture these little gems.

Jessie Reardon said...

So cute, I can picture him running and saying, "Nooooo!"