Monday, February 13, 2012

The Road to Make Believe

I'm not sure why these pictures strike me as hilarious, but they really do. Our quirky girl lives in the here and now sometimes but very often, she is exploring life off in fantasy land. I can't remember why she packed her bag for a bike ride on this day in particular, but assuredly it was for some wacky adventure. She's always on a picnic, at the beach, on a boat in the bay (?), on an island or just off in la la land. Mostly, this is good; she creates all sorts of families and friends to bring along, almost always with a brother and a sister (who tells the brother what to do). The downside of an active imagination is bogeymen that begin to exist, usually at bedtime. We've been hearing a lot about vampires, monsters, and sharks trying to get in the house (commercials during sporting events are not happy places. Why do car companies need vampires to sell their cars??). Usually, though, her little worlds are happy -- cookie island is popular -- and Jack is often invited along (right now, they are running from a witch. I have this feeling that I am the witch... it must be a good witch). My dear girl is not the most focused of persons when she is doing something at my request but when she is constructing a make-believe place, I'm struck by her single-minded attention to detail. Now, how can I get that attention to detail to translate into finding her own shoes in the morning?

1 comment:

Kate said...

I'm just impressed by the lack of coat. It's been a nice warm winter here but I think Seattle wins this year - you've gotten more snow and you get to bike in February w/o coats! Jealous!