Friday, August 3, 2012

Can You Hear Me?

This guy is not, unfortunately, the Blue Angels' #1 fan. Apparently, his sensitive ears find it much more comforting under the table than out on the deck watching any air acrobatics ("Dos jets are weally, weally loud").

Luckily, someone came in from watching the show to keep him company. 

And then ditched him to try her own Molly-batics in the back yard. Anyone who has visited knows that there is a tree in the back yard that Molly loved to hang on. It was perfect for climbing and hanging on EXCEPT that it had a huge rock underneath and visions of head injuries were hard to avoid. But, in a need-to-be-crafty/itching-for-another-solution/feeling-okay-about-power-tools moment yesterday, I remembered I had some PVC piping and some left over eye bolts and I made her a bar to hang on in another tree without a *ta-da* rock underneath. Instead, she just moved the old slide over to create her own hazards. Great...


Liz said...

So crafty and creative! And some great acrobatics from Miss Molly there. Glad her head may be safe for now...

Grammy said...

Poor Jack! I hope the train whistles here don't bother him as much.