Monday, September 10, 2012

Dear Old Golden Rule Days

Like every other small person on the planet (it seems), last week began our back to school fun. Molly got to jump off a plane after midnight on Wednesday morning and head to school that afternoon (so far, one point in favor of afternoon pre-K). Oops -- nice timing, mama. She's a happy little clam, though, and is getting to know the new kids and enjoying being with her good buddies again. Side note: I do love how quickly kids become friends -- Molly suddenly has three new best friends that she plays with all the time. Naturally. Eight hours over two days is the new "all the time". I'm still trying to decide how the morning school for Jack/afternoon school for Molly will work out. Without a doubt, it provides for some interesting scheduling tricks but I think we'll sort it out soon enough. What I do know I will like is having one on one time with each of them, and will consciously soak up my last year of Molly being home. Witnessing the range of emotions that friends experienced as their babies went off to kindergarten this year gave me a little sneak peak of that time for us next year and, well, let's just reiterate that I cry easily. I know it will be all good and I also know that tissues are widely available. And in the meantime, I'll just soak up my little superhero-loving, upside-down-hanging crazy woman.

Jack starts his school later this week, though the majority of my friends come from his school so it's sort of like he's been back already as we've caught up with folks since getting home. Still, it'll be good to get in the classroom and get to know his new teacher more. He can proudly show her how he's not going to hit anyone at school this year. RIGHT? Please, no more hitting this year, puh-lease. So, it's been busy for all of us readjusting to fall habits but we're pretty happy (and tired) and looking forward to new adventures that await us. Today ushered in cooler temperatures (for the record, it's been 49 days with no rain here so all you anti-rain people, come visit in the summer!) and it felt like the switch had been flipped as we celebrated the ceremonial end of summer and welcomed autumn. Every year, I look forward to the freedom of summer and  then the routines of fall and I felt no different this time around.

First day

And, it wouldn't be Crazytown here unless Super Molly and Underwear Boy came to mete out their brand of justice (which apparently involves all sorts of requests for special treats) .

Clearly, true superheros are strong under all sorts of pressure

but it can be downright exhausting for side-kicks.

1 comment:

Kate and Davis said...

Sounds as though the year has gotten off to a great start. And the super hero pictures are just great