Thursday, November 8, 2012

Argh! Buzz! Boo!

Not much to report from Halloween other than I love getting ready for it, the kids love trick or treating and handing out candy, and John loves the loot resulting from trick or treating. The kids decided early on to be a pirate and a bumblebee and were presented with a bunch of chances to wear their costumes (including it being a random Tuesday if you're Molly), which suited them just fine. Jack, admittedly, was about the least scary pirate around since he does not have it in him to be tough and nasty. Molly's face paint was completed via her own two hands and wow... it just completed her costume (notreally). It gets more fun every year, that's for darn sure. Happy, happy November!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Both look great, Jack is the cutest pirate. Love the bee as well, even with the intense face paint.