Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dad is Rad

I know that good dads shouldn't be taken for granted -- and I don't. I sincerely honor the pops, dads, grampys, grandpas, daddies, step-dads, etc. who are present, caring, and provide support and love to their kids and grandchildren (not to mention their wives!) in whatever way they know how. We had the chance to celebrate some dads this weekend up in Camano Island (and, sadly, we also ticked off another one of our "last time" events) with some pretty rad dads. I would have loved to celebrate with my own dad and with my favorite dad-in-law but in just a few short weeks, we'll be able to raise a glass with them in person. In the meantime, despite Jack's extra spicy behavior this weekend (sick+overtired+excitement=oh boy...), we had a really sweet time showering some dads with love (with a man-only car ride up, the chance to sleep in, the design and execution of homemade cards, a few sticky s'mores fingers, and finally a quiet, Doyle family strawberry shortcake night cap). Happy father's day to you all!

Jack Jack in the strawberry patch.

Molly's going to miss this kid... a lot.

Five kids on a farm. No shirts required.

Lots of monkeys.

A little big Mount Baker across the Sound.

Beach buddies.

Molly, overcoming her fear of doggies. Hallelujah! 

Jack, overcoming his fear of... wait, nope, this kid might BE a dog.

Beach buddies redux.

Nature's playground.

The three bakers "making" father's day treats.

Jack makes a mean mai tai (by the way, why don't more of us have a cocktail suitcase?).

Ahoy mates!

Somehow, someone conned the ancient stereo system into spewing out the (static-filled) Bruins game. We live in Seattle. No one cares about hockey here. Except this guy.

About 1/25 of our strawberry bounty. 


Holly said...

Not surprised John got the old stereo to work! Too funny

Heather said...

Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)gmail.com

Liz said...

That picture of JJ made me laugh so hard. Looks like a really fun weekend!