Sunday, July 15, 2007

Pirate Pat


Thursday morning was a relatively significant day on the pregnancy trail. We had the pleasure of meeting our future baby, for the time being to be known as Pirate Pat, via the 18 week ultrasound.

We know Paul Magyar will be thrilled to find out John is no longer the only one in the Doyle family who impersonates pirates. Apparently 7 oz. babies aren't carrying much fat on the bones just yet, so when the fancy 3D ultrasound kicked into gear, it produced the picture above, in which Pirate Pat was giving us a little stare-down while rubbing his chin.

For those who are slightly frightened by Pat's 3D ultrasound, we included a more familiar side shot below where everything looks much more normal, which is pretty much where they told us Pat stands at this point. No major problems, no expected issues. It's nice to hear that once in a while.

Pat was clearly taking a nap when the ultrasound wand started cruising up and down his or her back, although Pat began to maneuver (some might say thrash) around in order to get any feet and hands into the mouth. In a couple of the ultrasound shots, there's clearly a goal of getting feet or fingers into the mouth.

Last but not least, don't look too hard to figure out if this is a Patty or Patrick. First, both of those names are out. Second, they have mastered the science of genitalia avoidance and were able to respect our interest in waiting until December to figure out Pat's true identity.


Liz said...

Glad to see you are taking after your Daddy, Pat. From the pictures here, it looks like your head takes after his too (bald). We cannot wait to meet you!

Anonymous said...

So this is to be a comedy blog in addition to baby blog. I can definitely get behind that idea. I should warn you that people's expectations can get high, and they'll badger you in the comments section for "another post please!" Or, in the case of a comedy blog like this one, "more jokes please!" I won't name names, but certain people do that to me all the time on my site.


Melissa said...

jacob, i like to think of it as a gentle reminder more than "badgering".

when you have a kid as cute as sammy, though, updates are critical.


Jake said...

Ahem... more jokes please.

fibby said...

That has got to be the best post (and funniest photo) I've seen in a while.