Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Pirate Pat made his/her first Halloween appearance this past Saturday. I don't know if this will technically count as Pat's first costume, but, well I think it should. I like to think that my first trip abroad happened when I was in Pat's similar condition. Some of you may be wondering why we didn't go with a pirate themed costume, but really... if you're a pirate for 364 days a year (or something closer to 7 1/2 months for this pirate), for Halloween, you want to dress up as something different, right?

You can't, unfortunately, see John's sneakers in these pictures but I can assure you that they still make some pretty awesome, super white hightops these days. If anyone is a size 13 and looking for some new kicks, let us know and I'm sure we can work something out.

Anyway, we're going into the home stretch (or maybe we're in it). Just under six weeks to go! Things appear on track and everything is fine. We're done with our childbirth classes and I think we've read everything we're going to read about pregnancy, labor, birthing, etc. I'm not sure how much retention has occured anyway.
Lots of predicting about Pat's gender has occured but we're prepared either way with names and some neutral clothes.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Halloweens! Check out Liz/Ben's and Beth/Jacob's blogs for some pretty cute pics of lions and dragons.


Beth said...

Those are some of the best costumes I have EVER seen! We especially love the short shorts.

Kristin said...

I love it! What great costumes. How exciting that you only have 6 weeks to go.

Liz said...

You cannot fully appreciate from these pictures a.) how short John's shorts are and b.) how incredible Melissa's costume is. that basketball on top of Pat is this fabric that feels exactly like a real basketball, but is fabric - it's uncanny. I see many amazing, original costumes in Pat's future.

fibby said...

BRILLIANT! I love it I love it I love it!

Kate said...

Awesome... so glad you posted a picture- I was dying to see after hearing about the costumes!!!

Anonymous said...

A+ for incorporating Pat into the costume. You are setting the bar very high for Pat's future Halloweens. Lookin' good JD. Please tell me you will be serving the Thanksgiving turkey in that get up.

Anonymous said...

wow. I mean WOW. Never before has one photo made me miss two people so much;). You guys crack me up!