Sunday, October 14, 2007


for the delay in posting. It's been busy around here! We're in the middle of our childbirth classes, three down and three to go. They've been really helpful, I think, with a few wacky moments thrown in there. I've also made a little pair of baby pants and have a pattern for some super cute overalls that I'm hoping to find time to make in the next several weeks.

Here's a 32 week belly shot. Pat's moving around lots in there. He/she is busy and growing right on track.

In other VERY exciting news, our good friends Kate and Wilson welcomed a new member of their family into their lives last week. Hannah is a little peanut but she's adorable and a very good sleeper. Pat's super excited to meet his/her friend. The Pirate tends to kick quite a bit when he/she's visiting with Hannah.


fibby said...

Hurray for new posts!

Beth said...

Congratulations Kate & Wilson! I wish I lived closer so I could come say hi.

Sorry to "use your blog to communicate with non-Doyles. Now, for you Doyles....I want to see those pants you made, you're such a crafty Mom already!

Anonymous said...

Almost sounds like Pat is going to be growing up on a commune - mom is making clothes, dad is doing carpentry... :)

Kate said...

I love that Hannah made the blog!! I think the screaming picture isn't exactly representative of her temperament as so far she's a very easy baby - hopefully Pat will be the same!! I know Hannah can't wait to meet him/her! :-)

Melissa said...

Hannah isn't screaming in the second picture -- she's yawning -- but it does look like a scream. She's a BEAUTIFUL baby.

Anonymous said...

Very cute pictures of Hannah! Thanks for sharing them.