Nana visited us over this weekend and took good care of all of us. She cooked up a storm and held Molly lots. We were snowed in on Monday so we couldn't show her a really exciting time but it was so nice to have her here. She showed us the baby shuffle, an effective dance step/bounce combo that calms a fussy baby down in a heartbeat.
It's also Molly's one month birthday today. She celebrated with a trip out to the woods and another snowshoeing adventure. She was an especially tough cookie since her booty fell off, which I didn't realize until a nice skier gave it back to me. She was shoeless for a while and didn't make a peep. Thankfully, it was warm out today and she was well snuggled.
Happy one-month birthday Molly! We are impressed with all of your snowy adventures!
Happy Birthday Molly! I can't believe you are one month old already! I love the picture with Nana - Molly looks so snuggly and content.
We were thinking of Molly yesterday as we were celebrating Jake's 31st birthday. Samuel is jealous -- he's never been snowshoeing and Molly has already been twice!
Happy Birthday Molly! I can't believe how fast that month went - but you do look bigger already!
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