Friday, May 2, 2008

Florida Fun

Molly and Nana enjoyed an afternoon together so that John, Grampa, and I could play some golf. Molly loves her playmat here and has found how useful her feet are to play with. I'm stealing a picture from Nana's camera to show all the good times.

We're also eagerly awaiting the arrival of another Doyle cousin. It may be an imminent arrival -- and we're trying to be patient. Given how good Katy was with Molly we know she'll be a great big sister. Here's another picture from Phoenix of those two gals.


Anonymous said...

It's good to see Molly with those summer clothes on again! She looks happy to be playing in warm surroundings.

Beth said...

Florida fun is right, we are quite jealous given our cold and rainy weekend.

Kate said...

You are missing such a nasty weekend here - enjoy the warmth! And keep playing with the those toes Molly!

Anonymous said...

Updates from the road- very impressive!!