Sunday, December 14, 2008

Let's Celebrate!

Molly's first birthday is Monday but we celebrated her one year milestone with a few folks on Saturday. She went through two party dresses, one piece of cake, and lots of games of "uh-oh" where she "accidentally" dropped her cup, food, toys, etc. off her chair and looks around for someone to pick them up.

She got great presents from everyone and has happily played with her musical chair, hugged her new gorilla, pulled her alligator, read her new books, rocked on her ducky, tried out her new shoes, eaten with her fork and spoon, slept with her lamb, waved a crazy footed monster around, thrown Cookie Monster on the dishwasher, cuddled with her quilt, listened to Horton, dreamed of a trip to Venice and has generally been very excited by birthdays and present-getting. She still enjoys her early-birthday presents and toodles around the house with her push cart and her goldfish keep her company at her little table.

The little wacky character continues to have more personality than we know what to do with sometimes. She's getting toothier with her three remaining molars coming through and is getting progressively steadier on her feet. She has maxed out at 15 steps and still prefers to crawl but every day, she goes a little further with a little more confidence. You might think 15 steps would get you across the house but in little person measurements, it's only from one end of the couch to the other.

Cousins, friends, grandparents, aunts and uncles helped Molly out with some birthday cake. Ethan was very patient waiting for his piece.

Despite first trying to eat the plate that the cake came on, she eventually found out that cake tastes much better.

The chow monster was true to form. Please note the curl of hair in the back... it's a mullet for now but someday, maybe, there will be hair on top of her head. Or perhaps she is showing her preference for hockey and has decided that hockey hair is back in (actually, was it ever in?).


Kate said...

Happy Birthday Molly!

Liz said...

Happy Birthday Ms. Molly! We had so much fun celebrating with you on Saturday.