Saturday, March 14, 2009

An Apple A Day

I don't know if it's because apple is one of the words the little pip squeak can say or if it's because she's truly obsessed with apples, but we seem to be going through them like wildfire around here. She eats down to the seeds, too. There is about a pin head sized remnant left when she's done with it. Waste not want not, I guess.

Speaking of words that she can say, Molly enjoys saying her own name very much. Her little vanity plate tradition continues as she goes around saying "Hi Molllllllllllllllllllll-y" (although it really sounds like "Hi Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww-ee"). Apparently, she's the only one in the family really worth talking to. Well, other than Harry, of course. It's good that Harry has someone to talk to him since he and I aren't really on speaking terms after his shenanigans of this week.

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