Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oh What Fun It Is To...

Life through the eyes of a toddler is pretty fun, funny, and messy. Molly's been up to her usual shenanigans and I've decided that I should just travel with a wet washcloth and a dustbuster attached to me at all times. Or maybe some Go Go Gadget arms so that I could possibly keep up with the deconstruction that happens at a near constant pace. If you come over in the near future, I might recommend watching your step so that you don't trip on a fleeing Harry or do a banana peel slip and fall on, well, probably a banana (or nanana as some folks pronounce it) peel. Also, please don't expect to sit down and relax on the couch since a little one has recently learned how to climb up on the couch all by herself and likes to bounce, bounce, bounce her way from one end to the other. Definitely, definitely don't expect to find a clean surfact above 3 feet either, since stuff has been constantly migrating upwards away from sticky fingers who have their own Go Go Gadget tenticles on them. If you're in the mood for some down and dirty laughing and don't mind a few cracker crumbs in your socks, though, I have a pretty good idea of where you can go...

Thankfully, Grampy took some pictures of the adventures at their house last weekend. A little swinging in the sun does a body good.

Little boots aren't just for puddle stomping. They make fun tracks in the last few patches of snow too.

Our own version of Head Wound Harry... somewhere, the sign for "all done" became food on the head.

Molly is helpfully getting tupperwear out in the early part of the day just in case there are some leftovers at dinner. Why keep things in a basket when the floor works perfectly well as a storage unit?

Mmmmmh... Baked shoe a la Molly. Cooked just right so that it's mouth-watering good.

Is there anything more funny than discovering your own belly button? Since Molly's own belly button is often inaccessible under her onesie, she might try looking for yours. Consider yourself warned.


Anonymous said...

I love the new sign for "all done"! Maybe everyone should use it.

Liz said...

I'd like a copy of the "all done" picture please. It's just too darn funny. Like your dress too, Molly!