Monday, September 27, 2010

Say What?

I feel like my house has suddenly become much louder (I really didn't think that was possible). When both kids are napping, it's as if a sound switch has been turned off and I really notice the lack of constant chatter... and now it's from both small people. Molly has always been a constant babbler/talker/singer/question asker. Now, she's added about a quadrillion more questions to her repertoire (where, what, how, what happened, remember when... ) and she's also started rhyming. Aye yay yay. Molly in the wally, Jack in the back, Daddy in the maddy... you get the idea. If you don't get it, I'll ship her out to you for a few days. It's really funny and I sort of can't help but laugh (except when I'm trying to get her out the door and she's dawdling and rhyming or I'm 10 minutes away from the allowed "first glass of wine" time of day and each rhyme seems to slow the clock down).

Jack, not to be outdone, has suddenly started talking and communicating too. I think these things happen out of the blue but when I stop and watch him, I realize that he takes in A LOT and just waits until he's got something mastered before he actually does it. He was that way with clapping... we showed him and showed him how to do it but he refused to do it on his own until one day, he randomly sat up in bed and just clapped his little heart out. We've been doing the "more" and "all done" signs for a while but he's only been marginally interested.... until this week when he started doing both regularly (thank goodness!). He also started saying his version of duck and kitty. It feels like we've opened up the flood gates a little bit... I just hope he finds some space in the day to get his words in. Captain Speaks A Lot doesn't leave much wiggle room for others.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Jack looks a little bit like a doll in that last picture. Actually a lot like a doll. It keeps freaking me out!