Sunday, April 24, 2011

Buddha Belly

Liz, very thoughtfully, recently passed along one of Adam's old shirts for Jack to enjoy. Now, I know kid clothing sizes can be completely unreliable, but one might think that an 18 month-sized shirt might sorta, kinda fit most kids approaching their 18 month birthdays. Now, one could also argue that it's about time that midriff shirts, usually the province of young ladies who perhaps mistakenly think they up their cool quotient or '80s fashion victims, became acceptable for young men but I'm betting that no one really wants to go there. So, alas, this adorable shirt gets folded up after one wearing and put on the shelf (or in the mail) to be loved in memory only (probably safer to think of Adam wearing it) despite enjoying the sentiment that it conveys for these two rascally boys. 
peek-a-boo belly

really mom? 

 maybe it's just time for a total closet overhaul...


Liz said...

Ha ha ha...I thought it was a long shot when I saw Jack's little (big) belly. I personally think the belly complements the sentiment perfectly.

Aimee said...

Good thing he has an older cousin to pass things down to him...oh, wait, no, that doesn't work either.....