Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Painting Me A Smile

What do you do when you find an activity that your three year old will do for hours (and I'm not exaggerating, HOURS)? You embrace it, you love it, you make it your new best friend. What if this activity is messy, potentially ruinous to furniture and rugs, and produces copious amounts of output? You don't care -- you embrace it, you love it, you make it your new best friend... and you buy picture frames because everyone is getting a piece of the action for Christmas this year (kidding...).

Molly has been sort of bummed about being left at school or with a babysitter lately so in an effort to put the bright and sunny bounce in her step and smile on her face, we've been painting... and painting and painting and painting. And, really, she will finger paint, watercolor paint, go back to finger painting, go back to watercolors, do some mixed media, for a seemingly endless amount of time. It's a little messy, sure, but it makes her so happy that it really is worth it.

Since I've got a willing partner in crafty crime, we decided to make big easter eggs last week (on one day... I didn't need thousands). She couldn't have been happier (or more intense).

I must have many papers in front of me and I will use them all. And Jack's too.

I am just getting started. 

Go away now, I'm hard at work.

This is okay, right? (Ed. note: heck yes! Keeping finger paint on the hands only is a relatively new thing for Molly. I'm not saying a word).

If I move my hand really fast, I make swirling colors. 

And what of the other munchkin? Well, based on the last time I put up finger painting pictures, you can probably imagine how this scenario goes...

Yes, this is fun.

Weird texture but I'll give it a shot...

Okay, I'm done...

Or am I?

More, please...

So that I commence with nefarious activities.

Hmmm... it seems to have gotten everywhere.

Guilty as charged.


Grammy said...

Love the decorated eggs and the decorated Jack! They look like very happy little people.

Kate said...

Love it - what a great idea! We recently brought back the old easel that Sarah and I painted on from my parents house and it's providing fun times for Hannah (although minutes at a time, not hours!) on the porch. We tried finger painting with Will last week one day.... he ended up with some very blue hair that took forever to get clean. Don't think we'll be trying that again. I think Jack might stay cleaner!