Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Shake It Up, Baby

Two things I love about Molly right now: she's totally into dancing (Poker Face by Lady Gaga, of course, and Strike the Bell by Dan Zanes are her two current faves. Those aren't polar opposites or anything.) and she is my new resident meal planner. I like to cook but I hate thinking of what to actually make each night. She loves helping me come up with a menu for the week (including sides) and it really saves my sanity. I do get a lot of requests for spaghetti and meatballs but she is willing to branch out with a gentle reminder that it's nice not to have the same thing every single night (despite her insistence that nobody will mind. She most certainly believes that she is the voice of reason around here and will consistently speak for other people -- often when they have no idea that she is volunteering their opinion). 

Oh, and an ancillary benefit to the dancing? The rather hilarious fashion statement that comes from a need to put on a too-small leotard so that her skivvies are on full display. 

You know what I love about this one? He's just a ham (holding a ham, incidentally. Sorry Olivia) who is full of love.

Happy Wednesday!


Grammy said...

I want to dance with Molly and hug with Jack!

Kate and Davis said...

Could Molly help me plan a meal or two?