Monday, May 7, 2012

Bike Week

Look out walkers, this lady is a little hellion on two wheels. Last week, Molly asked us to ditch her training wheels and, somewhat skeptically, we did (well, she asked me but I punted and John took them off. I get too impatient and figured I'd break something or other so it's really best to leave these things to be people who are in better control of their frustration levels). She didn't get in much practice time during the week but we took her over to the park on Saturday morning and she was off and pedaling. I have to admit, I thought it would take a few more practice sessions, with a few more tears, and a little more cajoling but even our children whose personalities are seemingly well-established have the capacity to surprise us, I guess. And, not to be entirely outdone, Jack decided to grow an extra inch and finally get tall enough for his balance bike. Are the days of pushing a trike to the park over?! Oh my.

There were also the occasional, rather funny, crashes/steering mistakes...

The tried and true form of bipedal transport also works pretty well in a pinch. By pinch, I mean, that he's ready to move along while the rest of us are chitter chattering.


Liz said...

Yay Molly! I am so impressed!

Kate and Davis said...

Congratulations Molly! And Jack!

Holly said...

Wow-- nice to see you guys got some sun finally! And I am very impressed with Molly's new skill.