Monday, June 25, 2012


I don't know if all kids lack common sense or if mine are just particularly dense at times. Today, for instance, Jack was hell bent on zooming around the playground with a dump truck. Head down, he zeroed in on a little stump/stool thing and raced his truck at it, with no intention of stopping until there was a crash. Problem was, his big ol' noggin was ahead of the truck, so guess what hit first? Oh, and at the last minute, he picked his head up to watch the crash, so he bonked his nose right into the stump stool. Brilliant. I didn't fully realize what was going to happen until it was too late. And the other one, well, how does one not realize that if you walk around with your shirt over your face, you will almost certainly trip and fall? Especially, the second time in one day? Seriously?
As lovable as their antics are, it did make me wonder where the lack of genius started. And, as with many of our kids' wacky characteristics, the apples didn't fall far from the tree...
A last minute bowling trip, at dinner time! for instance, with a two and a half year old and a four and a half year old? That might qualify as lacking common sense (especially when the littlest man insists on carrying his own ball and the older lady wants to use the alley as a stage)...

The hippy dancing at the Freemont Festival (we skipped the naked parade the day before) though? That's cool...

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