My kids still like to dance. It's pretty funny (except when I'm trying to get out of the house in the morning. Nothing is funny when I'm trying to get out of the house in the morning and I continue to be an epic failure at not losing my mind trying to get out of the house in the morning. Can someone explain to me how people who can remember that I promised them one m&m six months ago cannot remember that shoes AND jackets are required to leave the house in the middle of February? I'm not asking for hats and mittens or even socks, for the love of Pete. I've lowered my expectations to just shoes and jackets. Inexplicably, this ends up causing confusion EVERY SINGLE DAY. And I've digressed on sentence number two...) to watch those little booties wiggling and hands waving and feet hopping. But the outfits? Those make me laugh (when my eyes aren't hurting from some of the color combinations) hardest of all. Molly is the bigger dresser-upper of the two and trends towards ballet-related fare or country music-ish swishy skirts and hats (favorite songs of the week: Cotton Eyed Joe and Thank God I'm A Country Boy. Is that mean that we force John Denver on them? Is it weird that I still love John Denver?). Jack seems to prefer to wear hats and no pants most of the time. He's not picky. His number one requested song is the Thomas theme song but I may poke my eyes out if I hear that jingle again so it's mysteriously been eliminated from the atmosphere recently. Huh, dunno what happened to it... the cloud has failed. Still, I love that they love to dance.
So, that's it in our world right now -- just the simple pleasures of questionable outfits and little people who like to shake, rattle, and roll. I know there has been some push back (none from my three faithful readers, thank you) these days on people filtering out the tough moments and presenting only the good sides of their happy little lives online. I don't mean to suggest that I've gotten better at not losing my temper or that we always get to bed on time. But, I also like fun times and not getting stuck in the mud of tough times. We all go through rough patches, I hope that is a given, and I think sometimes it's really helpful to write about sticky stuff and sometimes it's good to just feel good about your family and life and appreciate the small things that make our days tick by. Clearly, there is stuff that is unfortunate (see above) but there is also plenty of richness that I want to soak in because, you know, these kids grow up so darn fast. So, while next week I might ramble on about how I can't seem to stop the whining (my own) or why I clean the toilet approximately 450,000 times more often now that a certain little boy stands up when he uses the potty, right now I want to remember all the sights (blinding or not) and sounds of my monkeys dancing to their beats.

An oldie... raise the roof
Getting the hands juuuust right for Gangam Style is hard.
She's got it down a little bit better...
Now we're up and run dancing.
Oh right, accessories must be included.
Not sure about the hat and tucked in shirt.
Whoa... tough corner.
With a horse, it's even harder.
No, seriously, this is dancing.
Sometimes, a different hat just adds a little extra spice.
When you're five, a 2T bathing suit is always appropriate dancing attire.
Dancing is also about partnership, give and take, and cooperation.

But, sometimes, when you're wearing things that clash horribly, you get ditched.