Sunday, February 10, 2013

Potty Party

The end of an era came and went without much fanfare in our house. Well, that's not strictly true. There is a very (VERY, VERY) anatomically correct? explicit? drawing that captures the end of the era (well, really, the beginning of the new era) hanging over someone's bed (drawn by a big sister with a surprising grasp of the human body and all its functions) but other than that, we didn't celebrate being (mostly) done with diapers too much. Jack "decided" to choose potty training as his new year's resolution. While there is still some coaxing to take a break from the train tracks every once in awhile, it all has gone pretty smoothly thus far. Jack seems to do everything this way... he waits and waits, not needing to be at the forefront of anything, but then it's just done. No big whoop. Given all that, I don't care two whits about what comes into the bathroom with him to entertain him on his longer stays...


Liz said...

Congrats on the BIG milestone Jack (and Mom and Dad)!

Kate and Davis said...

Can Jack talk to Henni? She is committed for 2 days and then falls off the wagon. I am so jealous of your (and jack's) diaper-free life! And way to go artist Molly - that picture is something for keeping for sure.