Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day

Thanks to Liz, we learned why Pirate Patricia (Patricia is unfortunately not the chosen female name, nor is Pat the male name) is having a wild party inside mom's belly today. Why you ask? Well argh matey, it's National Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Don't believe us? Check it out: Talk Like a Pirate Day. Watch out though, apparently all hope abandon ye who enter there...


Beth said...

How in the world did Liz know that?

Liz said...

On the elevator up to work, we have these little TVs that display useless knowledge (in addition to super helpful things like the weather). Today's useless trivia was that it is National Talk Like a Pirate Day (Observed). Not sure when the actual date is, but we observe it today. Ahoy Matey!

Anonymous said...

That's so cute! Will you dress Pat up every year on September 19th? Maybe you could borrow Okajima's costume that he wore going through customs in Toronto. Of course, that trip didn't turn out too well...

Anonymous said...

Wow, a girl goes back to school in Chicago and doesn't check the blog for a week and it an explosion of posts! I love it! Melis, you look great. I can't believe how much you've grown. And Liz, I will admit I also knew it was National Talk Like a Pirate Day (who gets to decide these things anyway?!). The stairs look excellent. I am truly impressed! I thought I was desperate to own my own place but after watching all the handiwork it seems to take I am reconsidering ;)