Monday, September 17, 2007

Odds and Ends

Fall has definitely arrived in Newburyport. Fall means that winter is close... which means we're about 12 weeks away from our due date. We have a hospital tour on Wednesday to visit the birth center at .Anna Jacques. It will be exciting to see the rooms and get a better sense of the place. Our midwives are great and have been very helpful in preparing us thus far. Seeing the physical space will be good as well.

Speaking of hospitals, I think I'm glad that we don't live in Amersterdam. Someone with whom I went to high school and his wife just had an adorable baby over there and were home from the hospital in six hours. GULP!

I just finished a book that my friend Julie recommended. Operating Instructions is a hilarious and poignant look at a mother's first year raising her son. I higly recommend it.

We bought our first piece of furniture for baby last week -- a changing table. Slowly but surely, our house is showing signs of being more family friendly.

Stay warm everyone and we'll add a belly picture and an updated stair picture next week.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you bought a changing table... how un-zero-carbon of you. Just throw a little more sawdust on the floor in Pat's room and you have a surface that is soft, absorbent, and odor-free. I'm sure John already suggest that, and I'm sorry that he was over-ruled.


Beth said...

I'm with Melissa on this one. Sorry John. Plus, that changing table is SO cute!

Melissa said...

no, no, see i scraped the glue off all of the envelopes that i recycle and then i glued each piece of sawdust together to make the changing table. beth was there. she saw me do the whole thing at ikea.