Monday, September 10, 2007

Pat's New Room

Yeah, yeah, so the blog creator hasn't been quite as good as his mate at posting anything meaningful about Pat lately. Martha Stewart came over this weekend, however, to help Meliss and I finish Pat's room. Check it out!

I know what you're thinking. We should've been designers. Did you guess the theme? Eco-basement. It's the next big thing, trust us. There are are a number of eco-features to be sure Pat's existence on planet Earth is low-carbon/no-carbon:

- basement: the safest place in a hurricane or tornado, plus easy bulkhead entry/exit
- sawdust and fieldstone flooring: natural oak sawdust with the damp fieldstone gives a firm, comfortable base for sleeping or playing
- all metal, stone, and wood toys: Pat's got a nice workbench and metal ladder from grammy and grampy. also note the different sizes of wood blocks. Pat could also make dolls out of loose stones and pebbles, or weave the latest fashions with some of the weeds growing out of those walls
- recycled wall hangings: we already had the breaker box down there, and martha added a few old wires and cords to make it a real showpiece for the room. no fork jokes, please.
- recycled cardboard furniture: the big box with the skil saw and sander is the changing table. The little cardboard box on the floor is the cradle. What a great recycled piece. Do you see the vision? It's the leftover moving look. We're not sure what we're going to do with Dad's golf bag yet

There's even a table in the back there so that if Pat is indeed a Pat-ricia (which is a roughly 50/50 chance when you do the math) can have a tea party with the entire family. Anyhow, if anyone has any HGTV-like suggestions for what will really finish off the room, let us know.

PS - One bonus is that Pat will grow up without daddy's dislike of bugs and insects, basically because Pat will be able to harmonize with the basement biosystem fairly early in life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the look! And Harry can sneak out his secret window again and bring in live playthings for him and Pat to enjoy.