Monday, February 18, 2008

We had lots of grandparent visiting last week. It was especially lucky timing because John and I got hit with one of the nasty winter viruses that is making the rounds this year. Molly had a brief bout with it early in the week but managed to avoid the fever, congestion, cough, aches and pains with which we got slammed. Luckily, Nana and Grampa had a visit already planned and Grammy came at the end of the week so we got taken care of and Molly had a much better time with them than with us. We all thank them VERY much.

Other highlights of the week included Molly getting her first round of vaccinations, which she took better than I did. She was a champ. She cried when she got the shots and then was fine as soon as John picked her up off the table.

Smiles for Grampa

Snoozes with Nana

Entertainment by Grammy

1 comment:

Beth said...

She is ABSOLUTELY adorable!! And very well loved!