Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Up, Up and Away

Molly has decided that prefers the view perched on her feet rather than her rump. She knocks into things on a regular basis but has been willing to get back up and try again, for the most part. Yesterday, however, she wasn't excited when she pulled herself up on the dishwasher but wacked her chin on the way down.

She did better the other night when she went for the coffee table. Things like Tylenol bottles are apparently good motivation to muscle yourself up high. It's a good thing that the Olympic gymnasts have to be sixteen in order to compete because otherwise she might have given some of those ladies a run for their money in London in 2012. Or, she could move to China and compete for them because I'm pretty sure some of their gymnasts were, oh, about six.

I bet people are going to be excited when the Olympics are over so that I can stop referencing them in my posts. I'm going to be excited when they're over so that I can go to bed before midnight. Even the taped showings of the teeny weeny bikini contest (aka beach volleyball) keep me interested these days (and thanks to Greg for renaming the event). Anyway, here's the determined sequence from the other night and another picture of a girl hard at work banging squeaky buttons and rolling ball things on her table.

Target aquired...

sizing up the obstacle...

and we're up and reaching...

so close, just a little further...

victory! And then the big meanies took it away and didn't bother to capture that on film.

Her table is a slightly better height for the under three feet set to pull up on. Plus, Molly's a little lopsided these days because she went and got herself another tooth up top so her three teeth make her list to the right. Hopefully the fourth top one will come in so that she can stand straight again.


Anonymous said...

Dear Molly,

Keep up the great gymnastics work but don't neglect your drumming. Or you could concentrate on beach volleyball...maybe by then they'll have realized that an athletic event shouldn't double for Go-Go dancers at the Hullabaloo. Maybe I'm getting old, but I agree with your Uncle Greg that the underwear...I mean, uniforms are a bit out of place. (That was his point, right?)

Your Liberated Favorite Great Uncle

Melissa said...

Dear Great Uncle,
The music will never die.
Love, Carla

Anonymous said...

What a doll. Looks like everyone is having a blast!!

Kate said...

Looks like a similar situation to what's happening in our house lately! Except for the teeth - still just two over here......... I'm thinking about ordering some false teeth just in case!