I will say that sometimes I'm glad my mom is a fan of nostalgia and holds onto things longer than some others would (my dad, for instance. Not that she holds onto my dad longer than others would but rather I'm not sure he's always the #1 fan of the collections process). This is my old Barbie car. Granted, it was only a year or two ago that I played with it daily, but I'm glad it didn't get tossed in the garbage heap for two reasons 1) it's fun to get see Molly and her cousins resurrect our old playthings and b) I'm not sure where you find such a stylin' Corvette this day in age.
After a rather lengthy trip back west, we're back in Penticton without plans to return east as a family of three again. Exciting stuff. While we're waiting for Numero Dos, we'll just try and keep up with the verbal barrage that greets us each day. I'm sure everyone with budding linguists appreciates this, but it's so interesting to me to watch Molly's growing speech capabilities. What started off as sign language moved to single words, which moved to simple two word sentences, and now she's talking more in concepts and longer sentences. It's just so fascinating to watch the progression in kids and I love getting a glimpse what's to come with Molly's older buddies. On the other hand, sometimes, I wish I didn't understand exactly what she was up to...
What a cutie! She looks incredibly determined in that second photo. Not to mention tan! I didn't think that Doyles were capable of tanning. Must be the Gerbi genes at work.
The language development is SO much fun to watch. I love it... most of the time... :-) Molly does look super tan in these pictures - and you can see hair! Glad you are back safely!!
I must have a tan setting on my camera because, unfortunately, she is still 100% Casper.
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