Sunday, June 6, 2010

Dam It

When you have two kids with colds, the kind of cold accompanied by hacking coughs and runny noses, you're a little limited in what activities you can do. Staying in the house gets a little old but bringing the germ incubators into public can be met with some arched eyebrows and dirty looks -- I really can't blame people for not wanting our microbes sneezed all over them, either. 

So, we packed up our small brood and their guests and traveled down to the Grand Coulee Dam in central Washington. The dam is big and impressive, especially if you're a fan of concrete, but the geology of the area, the history of building the dam, the controversies, and the landscape are all really, really interesting too. Well, that's the adult take on it. If you're a kid, I'm not sure you really give two hoots about a dam (except for the exhibits that are interactive in the visitor center) but you sure do enjoy the park outside and chance to run around and get some wiggles out or eat some grass. 

This puppy is almost a mile long, over 700 feet high, is the largest producer of hydroelectricity in the country, and is just plain gi-normous.

Picnic lunch

Trying to eat some grass...

and put on a sour puss face for taking too many pictures.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Looks like a fun weekend! I love Jack's overalls - too cute. We're in the same cold germ infested boat over here... to bad we don't live closer - we could have let our kids hack together. :-)