Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Working It

Not sure why Mr. Jack Peter's little expressions were so precious the other night (he's going to love being called precious in 15 years, I just know it), but he was in rare form. He doesn't demand attention in quite the same way that a certain someone else does but he also doesn't want to be left too far behind. He's got his own set of swanky moves, if he does say so himself, and thought it was pretty fun to show off his new winter gear from the Owens clan (sorry for the confusion :)). Thanks guys -- from all of us!

Here I am (and pay no attention to the naked girl in the background)!

Can I make my eyes be any bigger and bat my lashes any more? Nah. 

Doing the robot? Clapping?

I make truck sounds even better when my noggin is toasty warm.

Wowzer, I'm good looking!

Swing it.

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