Monday, December 6, 2010

Tardy Turkey

Holy smokes, it's been awhile... traveling, blogging, holidays, and various illnesses didn't all mix together very well this time and while I would have happily let the barfing fall to the wayside, the blog was the big sufferer over the past three weeks while we we pretended that we were east coasters again. Team Double Trouble also refused to slow down (even at night... so much fun) so really, I consider myself lucky that I found time to shower every third day. We did have a great trip (with the exception of having to cancel one ridiculously complicated-to-plan play date due to aforementioned barfing and what I believed to be a nail gun being driven into my head but was actually just a really bad sinus infection) and I'm pretty sure that the airline had to throw off a few bags in order to accommodate my ridiculously full belly and expanded waist line on our way home. We also were able to enjoy visits with the Seattle crew on both ends of our trip and their hospitality was, once again, very, very, very much appreciated (I see sainthood in Mary's future). I can't believe no one tossed us out after being subjected to Jack's early morning sing-a-longs and Molly's wandering feet so a HUGE thank you to everyone who gave us food, beds, birthday presents, company, moral support, baby sitting, and rides to urgent care. We, once again, can't thank you all enough from the very depths of our hearts. If the good cheer and open arms that we enjoy on all coasts don't embody the spirit of Thanksgiving, I don't know what does.

Thanksgiving is a lovely holiday, one of my favorites, and it should always look a little something like this:

Who doesn't love a gaggle of cousins?

I thought maybe I had been blessed with only one enthusiastic hugger but no... I've got two.  Hug me, damn it, HUG ME.
Speaking of two sweet boys... not that my sumo wrestler needs any more calories but the two little boys of the cousin bouncy bunch also really, really enjoyed the birthday celebration that we had the day before the turkey.
What do you mean there are no more cupcakes?

Like ice cream? Who me?

Of the more general type of mischief that we got ourselves into outside of the holiday, it was basically just lots of stuff like this:


Next stop: Architectural Digest

You spin me right round, baby, right round

Random scarf wearing while making up a game

And now, this is a face that is excited for what comes next...


Liz said...

Wow - you can definitely see the family resemblance in those cousin shots. You guys corner the towhead/blue eyed market. It was great to see you all on your whirlwind East Coast tour. We miss you already!

Holly said...

whew!! I am so glad you are back! I've been missing the pics and your commentary. Sorry about the barfing. Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks.