Friday, January 28, 2011


The eagles have landed yet again. We are in Seattle after a marathon day on Wednesday (note to you out there who plan on moving with small children: leaving town for a 6+ hour drive at 8pm after you've watched people load your truck with stuff all day is pretty much a recipe for disaster). We are in our new place, and while I wouldn't say we are settled, all the boxes we shoved in our car are unpacked. Ten down and 987 to go... 

Our new place is charming and in a great area of the city (I hope and think). We can walk to the playground in about four minutes (or with Molly in about 25). There's a little coffee shop and pizza place right around the corner and groceries can be bought for under three million dollars each trip... life is good.

I'm sure I'll have lots more to reflect on in the next several weeks but I wanted to announce that we're officially open for business -- come visit or send us an empty box just for fun since we can actually predict when it will get here instead of guessing when it will clear customs. Good times are in our future.

The kids are doing surprisingly well. I think they miss some of their toys but Molly has her clothes so she can change 100 times a day, which makes her happy, and Jack has his booster seat so he at least has a place to sit and eat, unlike the rest of us, who have to sit on the floor/have an indoor picnic (my mom's reframing of the situation). I also think kids think furniture is pretty dumb and they are happy to have open space to race up and down and back and forth. Our stuff arrives early next week (I am ready for a table and couch) but we are here, it's not raining, and we're out exploring. Did I mention to come visit??

Oh, and there's no snow...

Mom, can I pleeeeeease pack the computer for you? Please?

I'm pretty sure this is how people dress (and act) in Seattle. I'm ready.

After a hard day's night of getting here (sleeping in my car seat is hard), I just need a little nip to relax.


Liz said...

Glad you made it safely! We have been wondering where in the world the Doyles are... can't wait to hear more about the new place and city!

Kate said...

Yea! Glad to hear you have landed in Seattle - and that the settling will soon occur! Can't imagine what that ca ride must have been like - can't say I'm jealous but at least it's over! Welcome back to the U.S.A.!

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys made it, Molly is going to rock Seattle. Can't wait to come visit :)

Kate and Davis said...

Glad the cozy coupe made the trip with you guys and not the furniture :) Perhaps you should turn the house into a race track before the furniture arrives.