Monday, January 31, 2011

Bah Snowbug

I've said it before but I'll say it again, I've become a snow grinch. I love snow... in its rightful place, which, to me, is in the mountains and not outside my front door. Or, if snow and I must cross paths in my front yard (preferably in the backyard if it's coming anywhere near my house), I think it should be a good houseguest: come, stay for an enjoyable amount of time, and depart while we all still like each other. For me, that's about 48 hours maximum. I realize the irony in this is that we are the last people who should talk about being good house guests since we tend to come with our traveling circus and set up camp for weeks at a time. There ain't no law against irony, though. I do also understand that my snow grinchiness does mean that I miss out on some things, like skiing from my front door or building snow people in my back yard on an hourly basis. Now that I live in a city again, though, I WOULDN'T DO THAT ANYWAY. Okay, I could build snow people in my back yard but I wouldn't be able to ski from my front door so really, what's the point of having to shovel out the driveway and sidewalk with no real ROI?  For me, it being 40 degrees in the middle of winter means that I can still take the Energizer bunnies to the playground and we reduce our cabin fever by leaps and bounds. Nonetheless, these little people of mine haven't been infected by my snow bah humbugs yet and they really like the fluffy white stuff (and I must say that the snow that we had while still in Penticton tended to be of the good houseguest kind). They think it's fun to eat it, play in it, toss it, slide in it -- all the good stuff. I also have so many good memories of playing in the snow as a kid that I don't think I could ever live in a place where it never snows. Maybe I've just been away too long and am displacing some of the envy, who knows? Regardless of your snow situation, I wish you all a pleasant today, whether it be 40 and sunny or 20 and snowy.

If you can't beat it, join it. I did have fun with our couple of inches of snow before we left and Jack most certainly did. 

The other happy snow tromper (who is apparently one pom pom short).  This is such a laughable amount of snow to get bundled up for but it's what we had to work with. 

Slightly scary swinging picture, yes. But the sun, oh the sun, was our friend right before we departed. 

And sure, we have some rainy skies here now but a few drops can't keep us inside when it's close to 50 and the park beckons us from mere blocks away. 


Liz said...

DON'T.EVEN.TALK.TO.ME.ABOUT.SNOW. We are so done with it over here, just in time for another couple feet starting tomorrow! Why do I live here again? Your scant inch and rain looks so appealing!

Beth said...

Yes, 40 degrees & rain sounds wonderful right now! We have 3-4 feet of snow out our front door AND a 7-8 foot mound at the end of our driveway! The kids are in heaven, I am trying to follow their lead. :)

Kate said...

I'm done with winter. I'll take 360 days of gray skies over this snow (I might eat those words later this spring). The piles at the end of our driveway are out of control and now we get to deal with ice and rain on top of it. Awesome.