Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Will Survive

It's been a completely nutso week and a half. Last Monday we had no stuff, Tuesday we had a lot of boxes, by Thursday we were seeing the floors and by Saturday, things actually felt somewhat organized. Add into the mix that John had a huge product release and` was working like a dog on and things have seemed, well, completely out of control. My mom swooped in, THANK GOODNESS, and pretty much saved my sanity (or whatever of it I have left). It was great to have the companionship, the extra eyes, extra hands, and just help. I knew she had been lifesaving but I didn't realize how much so until I dropped her off at the airport this morning and came home to begin life on my own again... and promptly "lost" my keys (see, I'm not sure I actually lost them. I will claim culpability, however, for putting them in a location where someone else could "find" them and then hide them in a box full of cables and surge protectors). No keys meant that we couldn't drive to tumbling and it's never advisable to stand between Molly and tumbling. Then, because I was totally distracted looking high and low for lost keys, I didn't stay with Jack while he climbed up the stairs, which he has done on his own at least 180 times with no problems... until today when he tumbled down (I don't even want to admit how many steps he went over) and ended up with perhaps the world's largest goose egg on his forehead. John assures me that an article he read about kids falling down stairs indicated that there are usually no long term implications and most kids suffer fractures not brain swelling or bleeding... great. 

I'm hopefully on track to recovery, now. Keys were found, bribery for some other treat seemed to be the salve needed to recover from no tumbling, and Jack was back to his cheerful self pretty quickly... still, maybe my mom shouldn't have left. It wasn't nice of her to do that to me. 


Kate and Davis said...

Sounds like a rough day! But you (and they) will survive - goose eggs and all. Glad you have stuff now.

Anonymous said...

I rode my tricycle out our screened in porch door and split open my chin when I was four. Still...I turned out all right, right? Right??!! (I can't hear you saying, "Yes, Brian")

Your Uncle

P.S. Forget the treats for bribery. Put Molly on Skype and I'll read her "A Night to Remember" and ply "Tarkus" for Jack. That'll keep 'em happy, you betch!!

Anonymous said...

I meant to say "You Betcha". Sorry for the typo.

Beth said...

I cannot imagine moving WITH kids!!!! I think yo;re over the worst of it....happy settling!

p.s. Why do those mothers leave us?????