Friday, February 18, 2011

Jingle Bells

You know who helps set the world a little straighter when things are feeling a little bit stressful? Johnny Jingles (we keep calling him that despite it sounding like a creepy name... not that we go around calling him that all the time but when the shoe fits...). My musical talents, like my gift for foreign languages, is rather non-existent. I'm definitely more of an observer/appreciator than a participator in this arena (I get nervous whenever we have to sing the hello song at the library). Thankfully, because Molly and Jack both love to groove (and sing. Jack has just started to sing and it's very funny to hear him warble out a completely non-recognizable tune. His current favorite is "Stayin' Alive". I can only tell that it's that song because he sings very high notes and does his little finger pointing dance.), John can morph into Johnny Jingles and get the wiggles out with these most wiggly of creatures with just a few strums on the old guitar. Aside from the peace of mind knowing that they are happily entertained in a mostly non-dangerous or bruise inducing activity, it's also really fun to have them share something special with their dad. I'm not sure "Wheels on the Bus" was what he was anticipating being his claim to fame when he spent all those summer days practicing on his guitar in the bike shop, but it's where life has taken all of us now. There are lots of activities that I get to participate in with these monkeys but Johnny Jingles doesn't get the same opportunities since he's bringing home the bacon. It thrills me that this is something that I can keep my mitts out of and let these three at it. Having both kids at an age when they can laugh and dance and have fun with stuff like this is really neat. I love babies but I also love this stage where they can be wacky kids and are more engaged and starting to figure out what is interesting and fun and giggle-inducing. I also love to sit back and watch and not wrangle someone's finger out of a light socket. It's rare that we get to truly observe and not participate with our kids and it's a spectacular gift.

Thank you, finally, for all the calls and emails -- the support is incredible. 


Grammy said...

Did you style Molly's fabulous hair for wild and crazy dancing? She looks like she belongs on stage!

Liz said...

Ben needs to read this post - I keep begging him to bring out his guitar. Johnny Jingles is a fabulous name, by the way. :)

Grammy said...

And you forgot that Jack does a great rendition of "Little Bunny Foo foo" in addition to "Stayin' Alive".

Kate and Davis said...

Love the picture of John and the kids!

Beth said...

You all made me smile.