Monday, February 28, 2011

Same Old, Same Old

Our lives have settled into somewhat of a routine and I'm thankful for that. We have things to do every week, we have our days where we go adventuring, we do laundry, we eat dinners at (somewhat) the same time each night, we see people we enjoy seeing -- it's just nice. I'm not someone who enjoys a life of total unpredictability and I like looking forward to some of our activities each week. We are still out there trying new and different things (today's attempt to take Jack to Spanish story hour at the library -- a big fat failure. I thought I was being fancy and he'd suddenly wake up tomorrow being bilingual... until I remembered that a) he doesn't sit really well for English story hour where he understands some of what is going on and b) he doesn't really speak much of anything yet) but we are also enjoying doing activities that we already know we like. Life is still plenty interesting but it's nice to be able to answer that we're just up to the same old, same old when people ask these days.

Here's what happens if you ask Jack where he is (that's him playing peekaboo)... 

except it's not always the best idea when his hands are covered in sauce... 

This was the outcome of our serious, serious snowstorm last week. Mikey the snowman did come out of it but alas, we've lost him to some sunshine. 


Kate said...

So jealous of your 'snowstorm'. We attempted to play in the backyard Sunday and discovered that while Hannah can walk on top of the snow - the rest of us cannot except in the places where it's just a four foot mound of ice. I'm starting to think we won't see our backyard until May. Spanish story hour? Aggressive but I applaud your adventurous side!

Liz said...

I too am very jealous of your lack of snow. And impressed that you were still able to build a snowman with so little! Molly is looking very grown up in that picture - very tall and skinny. And the pictures of Jack are precious as always.