Monday, August 6, 2007

Doyle v. Baby: Round 1

I think I'm going to test out this theory. I've started to feel the baby kick fairly regularly at night. At the ultrasound, the technician showed us how the little pirate was using my uterus as a trampoline and I'm pretty sure that Pirate Pat continues to think it's great fun. Apparently, he/she isn't aware of the increase in homeowners insurance when one owns a trampoline. Seriously, this baby loves to show off all of his/her fancy moves. I'm not sure if we have a future dancer, human pretzel, or member of Cirque du Soleil but I'm interested to see what happens when he/she runs out of room in there. John's actually pretty flexible (as those who have seen him snoozing in the most uncomfortable looking positions can attest) so I'm guessing he/she is limbering up like Dad. In the meantime, I'll see if I get a sense of what happens when I reach for the remote...


Anonymous said...

If the Pirate is anything like John, he/she is probably in there trying to tuck his/her feet behind his/her neck for fun.

Liz said...

Let's hope Pirate Pat also inherits Dad's ability to fall asleep anywhere, anytime, with any sort of noise. I will never forget the time JJ fell dead asleep (neck at 90 degree angle) amidst all of us girls and our parents moving into 209 Hamilton...