Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Are You Smarter Than An Almost 9 Month Old?

I'm not going to lie. There are things that Molly is better at than me. She wiggles better, squeals better, chases Harry better (just to name a few). I also think that she has better cleaning techniques than I do. She thinks those newspapers shouldn't be on the table? Well then, off they go. It's funny to watch her chuck stuff over her shoulders.

The sense of satisifaction at her good work must be nice. I think I'm going to adopt her cleaning standards.

This is just her "What? Me?" face. As in "Wait, have you ever told me not to eat grass? Me? Are you sure you told ME?"


Beth said...

Almost nine months old - WOW! Molly, you and I can clean together any day!

Kate and Davis said...

Can you send her over to my house to clean?

Kate said...

I love the "what me" face... similar to her "what me eat sand" face! :-)