Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Bunny Trails: Part Deux

For the past (roughly) six years, I've gotten awfully used to being able to refer to "the girls" when I talk about my brother and sister-in-law's kids. John also only had a niece (and now nieces) so I got myself a-plenty used to thinking about pink boas (or something along those lines) when I thought about those kids. Now, Evan has changed the equation (in the best way possible), but luckily he's giving me some time to get used to the switcharoo and hasn't quite gotten himself in a position to play on the swing set with the older crew.

We ended our bunny adventures a few weeks ago in Old Town with an Easter brunch and good old fashioned Easter egg hunt, of which Molly did her part by holding her basket and collecting absolutely no eggs. She was much better at her self directed activities, like eating, wearing, and tossing sand.

She also decided to become master of someone else's domain and took up squatting in her cousins' house. She did let Grampy in but kept the others on a strict visiting protocol.

This kid couldn't have been happier had the Easter bunny himself popped out of the woods. Between the sand, a door to open and close on the house, and a big slide -- yowza!

She obviously hadn't realized, however, that slides can be gone up as well. Every kid I know likes to go up as much as down. I want to ask what's fun about slipping and falling on your face but I'll hold my inquiry back.

Now Molly is one of the bigger kids who isn't sliding off the older ones' laps. Evan has taken the place of the slippery banana. Here are the two blondies, Nelly no hair, and el carrot top Evan "I have more hair than my older cousin" Gerbi.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Too cute! And hooray for a Gerbi boy! FINALLY! Molly's pictures don't do her justice - she has a lot more hair than it looks in those pictures!